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Career Center
University of Mississippi

Career Closet Logo
Career Center Clothes Closet Pop-Up on March 3, 2023 at Martindale Cole Student Services. Shyra Lynch, a career advisor at Career Center organized the event. Photo by Srijita Chattopadhyay/ Ole Miss Digital Imaging Services


The University of Mississippi Career Closet

The Career Closet hosted by the Career Center at the University of Mississippi is a program that allows our students to obtain professional attire for career fairs, networking events, internships, interviews, and other career-related occasions. The Closet contains a wide variety of professional dress options that are purchased by or donated to the Career Center.

Learn more about how to dress professionally by visiting our Interviewing page!

Career Closet Guidelines

  • The closet is available to and free to use for all University of Mississippi students!
  • We will begin offering appointments for students to visit the Career Closet soon! Stay tuned for more updates on the opening of our physical Career Closet space!
  • Depending on inventory, students may take enough items to form one whole outfit (jacket, shirt/blouse, pants, belt, etc.)
  • If the Closet does not contain a student’s size or other needed clothing items, one of the Career Center staff can take the student to purchase needed attire using gift card donations
  • We would like to give a special thanks to the Family Leadership Council for their sponsorship of the Career Closet and thank you to all other charitable gift card or clothes donations!


Career Closet Donations

The Career Center does accept clothing and gift cards to local clothing stores such as Belk for Closet inventory. These donations help to provide business and professional attire to students in need of clothing for career fairs, interviews, internships, and more.

Closet Needs

  • New or gently used clothing in the business casual to business professional range for all genders and in all sizes
    • Suit Jackets, Pants, Skirts, and Dresses (preferably in gray, black, navy, or khaki)
    • Blouses and shirts (in neutral tones)
    • Dress pants
    • Belts, ties, and accessories
    • Socks (new)
  • Clothes should be professionally cleaned prior to donation.
  • Clothes should be in good or excellent quality and purchased within the last five years or currently in fashion


Want to Donate to the Career Closet?

The Career Center office in 303 Martindale will serve as the temporary location for donations and will begin accepting donations beginning March 22, 2021.

  • Donations are required to be professionally cleaned prior to donation
  • When you drop off your donation in the Career Center, 303 Martindale, we can offer a form for your donation to be tax deductible
  • Currently, we are accepting business causal and business professional suits, blouses, shirts, slacks, dresses, skirts, belts, and ties. We will not accept t-shirts or jeans.

Gift cards from local clothing store locations (Belk, etc.) can also benefit the Career Closet to buy needed items and accommodate individual student needs. These gift card donations are greatly appreciated!

If you have any questions, please reach out to the Career Center team at 662-915-7174 or visit us in 303 Martindale!