Interviewing for a job can be stressful to say the least. We provide a number of services that help educate you about what employers look for and how to increase your performance during interviews.
- Effective Interviewing
- How to Answer the Question, “Tell Me about Yourself”
- STAR Method and Example Questions
- Interview do’s and don’ts
- Handshake Guide for Employers
- Handshake Guide for Students
- “How to Answer” Interview Tips:
- How to Ace Your Virtual Interview
Professional Dress
The following are several resources from Candid Career on how to dress professionally for your interview or job. Just click on the picture to view the video!

Spring 2023 All-Majors Career Expo and Internship Fair held on Tuesday, March 7, 2023 at Student Union Ballroom. Photo by Srijita Chattopadhyay/ Ole Miss Digital Imaging Services
Students are encouraged to make a one-hour appointment with a member of the Career Center staff for a mock interview. A mock interview is simply a practice interview to gain interview experience and to get an honest critique before venturing into a real-life interview.
Students should bring a copy of their resume by the Career Center 48 HOURS PRIOR TO the scheduled mock interview. Students should also come dressed and prepared as if for an actual interview. Staff members treat the interview just as a company recruiter would. Following the interview, the staff member will critique the student’s performance and offer helpful suggestions for improvement for future interviews.
Career Center Interview Suites
Students have the opportunity to reserve one of our interview suites to use for any virtual interviews they may have. These rooms are a quiet place with excellent internet where a student can fully focus on their interview without distractions.
NOTE: You must wear a mask and follow all other COVID-19 Procedures when coming into the Career Center. When a single student reserves an interview space, they can remove their mask once they are in that space. Once a student completes the interview, they must put their mask back on before exiting the room.
Several of our online services and Career Center Library materials provide helpful advice on interviewing. The online advice can be accessed through Handshake and the additional resources link. Look for the Vault Career Library.